We are able to find the location of water on your property and can differentiate between ground that has the highest water content, to areas with less saturation, avoiding areas that are not suitable for a water bore. Large amounts of water are stored in the ground in pores, cracks and spaces between rock particles. Most of this groundwater storage comes from precipitation that infiltrates into the land surface. Water is constantly recycled through the Earth’s system through a process known as the water cycle.

We can identify areas with clean water including abundant supplies near the surface, and can map those areas that have underground water so you will know the best place to fit a water bore.

Bore water comes from groundwater, which in turn comes from rain that has naturally seeped into the ground and is stored in spaces between soil and rocks. The layers and bodies of water in these underground spaces are known as aquifers. Groundwater is brought to the surface using a bore (well).

Bore water conforms to the New Zealand Drinking Water Standards. Depending on local characteristics, bore water is suitable for uses that include stock watering, irrigation, flushing toilets, showering and washing clothes or cars. It may also be suitable for food preparation and for drinking. It does not have chlorine added and home use can of course be filtered.

For help with finding out if you have underground water as well as the best place to fit a bore, contact WPS by email: mail@propertysurvey.co.nz or by phone (06) 364 6995, 027 412 1965.

Underground Water, Artesian Wells located in NZ